Discover and register for Poetry & the Creative Mind 2025.

Opening Remarks

Jericho Brown

Duplex” by Jericho Brown
I Belong There” by Mahmoud Darwish  


Miles Hardingwood

Recipe” by Miles Hardingwood
the bullet was a girl” by Danez Smith


Phillipa Soo

Strawberrying” by May Swenson
In the City” by Chen Chen

Glenn Ligon

Untitled” by James Baldwin

Emanuel Ax

Transit” by Rita Dove
Soave Sia Il Vento” by Adrian Matejka


J Wortham

the lost women” by Lucille Clifton

Carrie Coon

Monologue for an Onion” by Suji Kwock Kim
somewhere i have never travelled,gladly beyond” by E. E. Cummings

A brief look at the twenty-eight years of National Poetry Month and the Academy of American Poets featuring Richard Blanco.

Ricardo Maldonado


Courtney B. Vance

The Weight of Sweetness” by Li-Young Lee
Beeches” by David St. John
These Poems” by June Jordan

Rebecca Hall

If You Have Had Your Midnights” by Mari Evans
Her Kind” by Anne Sexton
I, Too” by Langston Hughes


Reverend Adriene Thorne

Western Edge” by Carl Phillips
The Coming of Light” by Mark Strand


Corey Stoll

In Praise of Mystery: A Poem for Europa” by Ada Limón


Merve Emre

Lady Lazarus” by Sylvia Plath


Sterlin Harjo

Two Set Out on Their Journey” by Galway Kinnell


Paul Giamatti

Ave Maria” by Frank O’Hara

Tess O’Dwyer


Meryl Streep

So Much Happiness” by Naomi Shihab Nye 
The Dream That I Told My Mother-in-Law” by Elizabeth Alexander
Dark Matter and Dark Energy” by Alicia Ostriker

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