Arab American Heritage Month has been observed nationally since 2017. According to the Arab American Institute, Arab Americans have ancestries from twenty-two countries in the Middle East and North Africa: Algeria, Bahrain, Comoros, Djibouti, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, the United Arab Emirates, and Yemen.

Celebrate the rich culture and contributions of Arabs and Arab Americans with this selection of poems, essays, and artwork.

Contemporary Poems for Arab American Heritage Month

name/s” by Andrea Abi-Karam

Searching for a Palestinian Necropastoral (Eve)” by George Abraham

Heritage Emissary” by Threa Almontasar

Letter to al-Mutanabbi” by Sinan Antoon

Nine Spice Mix” by Zeina Azzam

Ode on an Abandoned House” by Hayan Charara

I Belong There” by Mahmoud Darwish

Punctum / Metaphor” by Carolina Ebeid

Ode to Sudanese-Americans” by Safia Elhillo

Interrogation of an Alternate Timeline” by Hazem Fahmy

WHO REAL؟” by Marwa Helal

It’s Not Really about Them, It’s about Us” by Safia Jama

Raising a Glass with an Arab Nationalist” by Iman Mersal 

The Iraqi Nights” by Dunya Mikhail

Conventional Wisdom (Arabic Saying Translated Twenty Ways)” by Yasmin Seale 

Migrant Earth” by Deema K. Shehabi

Displaced” by Mosab Abu Toha

Gloria” by Lena Khalaf Tuffaha

In the ن of it all” by Kamelya Omayma Youssef 

Freedom” by Saadi Youssef, translated by Khaled Mattawa