Anne Waldman
A prominent figure from the Beat generation, Anne Waldman, was born in Millville, New Jersey, on April 2, 1945, and grew up in New York City. She received her BA from Bennington College in 1966.
Waldman has published more than forty books of poetry, including Sanctuary (Spuyten Duyvil, 2020); Mundo Aparte / Offworld (Pinsapo Press and Sonámbulos Ediciones, 2019), a bilingual edition of poetry translated by Mariano Antolín Rato and edited by Öykü Tekten; Trickster Feminism (Penguin, 2018); Voice’s Daughter of a Heart Yet to be Born (Coffee House Press, 2016); Gossamurmur (Penguin, 2013); The Iovis Trilogy: Colors in the Mechanism of Concealment (Coffee House Press, 2011); Manatee/Humanity (Penguin, 2009); In the Room of Never Grieve: New and Selected Poems, 1985–2003 (Coffee House Press, 2003); Dark Arcana / Afterimage or Glow (Heaven Bone Press, 2003), with photographs by Patti Smith; Vow to Poetry (Coffee House Press, 2001); Marriage: A Sentence (Penguin, 2000); Helping the Dreamer: New and Selected Poems 1966–1988 (Coffee House Press, 1989); Fast Speaking Woman (City Lights Pocket Poets Series, 1974); and Baby Breakdown (Bobbs-Merrill, 1970). Her work can also be found in numerous films, videos, and sound recordings.
Waldman is also editor of the anthologies The Beat Book (Shambhala, 1996) and The World Anthology: Poems From the St. Mark’s Poetry Project (Bobbs-Merrill, 1969). She is coeditor of Angel Hair Sleeps with a Boy in My Head (Granary Books, 2001) and Disembodied Poetics: Annals of the Jack Kerouac School (University of New Mexico Press, 1993). She has co-translated Songs of the Sons & Daughters of Buddha (Shambhala, 1996), a book of traditional Buddhist scripture originally in Sanskrit and Prakrit, with Andrew Schelling. In 2023, she released Bard, Kinetic (Coffee House Press), a portrait of her life via poetry, interviews, essays, and letters.
Waldman has received numerous awards and honors for her poetry, including the American Book Awards’ Lifetime Achievement Award, the Dylan Thomas Memorial Award, the National Literary Anthology Award, the Shelley Memorial Award, and grants from the Foundation for Contemporary Performance Arts and the National Endowment for the Arts. She is a two-time winner of the International Poetry Championship Bout in Taos, New Mexico. She was elected a Chancellor of the Academy of American Poets in 2011.
From 1966 until 1978, Waldman ran the St. Mark’s Poetry Project, reading with fellow poets, including Allen Ginsberg and Gregory Corso. Immediately following her departure from St. Mark’s, she and Ginsberg founded the Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics at the Naropa Institute in Boulder, Colorado. Currently, Waldman is the distinguished professor of poetics at the Naropa Institute and the artistic director of its summer writing program. She divides her time between Boulder and Greenwich Village, New York City.