Lit & Luz Keynote Address with Ana Castillo

Join Lit & Luz for a keynote address from award-winning author and Chicago daughter, Ana Castillo. Hosted and moderated by Daniel Bortzuzky.

Acompáñanos al Discurso de apertura de la autora galardonada e hija de Chicago, Ana Castillo. Presentado por Daniel Bortzuzky.

Ana Castillo is a celebrated poet, novelist, short story writer, essayist, editor, playwright, translator, and scholar. Born and raised in Chicago, her award winning, bestselling titles include the novels So Far from God, The Guardians, Peel My Love like an Onion, and Sapogonia, which was a New York Times Notable Book, and the poetry collection I Ask the Impossible. She has received numerous awards, including the 2018 PEN Oakland Lifetime Achievement Award, the Fuller Award for Lifetime Achievement, and was inducted into the Chicago Literary Hall of Fame.

Ana Castillo es una celebrada poeta, novelista, cuentista, ensayista, editora, dramaturga, traductora y profesora. Nacida y criada en Chicago, entre sus galardonados y títulos mejor vendidos se encuentran las novelas So Far from God, The Guardians, Peel My Love like an Onion, y Sapogonia, la cual fue nombrada como Libro Notable por el New York Times, y el poemario I Ask the Impossible. Ha recibido numerosos premios, incluido el PEN Oakland Lifetime Achievement Award en 2018, el Fuller Award for Lifetime Achievement, y fue incorporada al Chicago Literary Hall of Fame.