Caitie Moore & Gala Mukomolova

Caitie Moore's writing engages her white femme subject position and can be found online at Harriet, BOMB, Queen Mobs, in her chapbook Wife (Argos Books, 2014), The Racial Imaginary: Writers on Race and the Life of the Mind (Fence Books, 2015) and various scattered publications. A collaboration with Dot Devota, Dept. of Posthumous Letters, was released in November 2017 (Argos Books). 
Gala Mukomolova earned an MFA from the University of Michigan. Her work has appeared in the PEN, POETRY, PANK, VINYL, and elsewhere. In 2016, Mukomolova won the 92nd Street Y Discovery/Boston Review Poetry Prize. Her first chapbook, One Above / One Below is forthcoming from Yes Yes Books.