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I waited for my life to start / for years... | Time collapses between the lips of strangers... | Glory be to God for dappled things... | Now drops that floated on the pool... |
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It will not last the night... | I have measured out my life with coffee spoons... | April / Comes like an idiot, babbling and strewing flowers... | so much depends / upon // a red wheel / barrow... |
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The little girls / Running in the park at dusk / Are almost women now— / What you've missed... | I have wasted my life... | Skin doesn't have roots, it peels away easy as paper... | As to me I know of nothing else but miracles... |
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I carry your heart... | Caught — the bubble / in the spirit level, / a creature divided... | I am looking for the trail. / Where is my testing-tree... | I was all hers as we peeled potatoes... |
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the stones of the river / have sucked men's eyes dry... | they have carried me in their branches... | Trees make a long shadow / And a light sound... | This is the way the world ends... |
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shine as it will, / The world will love its darkness still... | Everyone forgets that Icarus also flew... | I wake to sleep... | at least I have not woken up / with a bloody knife in my hand... |