Joshua Marie Wilkinson
Joshua Marie Wilkinson is a writer and filmmaker born on December 2, 1977, in the north end of Seattle on Haller Lake. He received an AA at North Seattle Community College, a BAE at Western Washington University, an MFA in poetry from the University of Arizona, an MA in film from University College Dublin, and his PhD from the University of Denver.
Wilkinson is the author of nine books of poetry, including Meadow Slasher (Black Ocean, 2017); The Courier’s Archive & Hymnal (Sidebrow Books, 2014); Swamp Isthmus (Black Ocean, 2013); and Lug Your Careless Body out of the Careful Dusk (University of Iowa Press, 2006), which was the winner of the 2005 Iowa Poetry Prize.
Wilkinson published his debut fiction novel Trouble Finds You with Fonograf Editions (2023). Additionally, he edited five anthologies, including Anne Carson: Ecstatic Lyre (University of Michigan Press 2015); The Force of What’s Possible (Nightboat Books, 2015), coedited with Lily Hoang; and Poets on Teaching (University of Iowa Press, 2010).
Wilkinson was the founding editor of The Volta, an online literary journal of poetry and poetics, and a founding editor of the small press, Letter Machine Editions. He lives in Portland, Oregon, where he works as a psychotherapist.