
They signed The Declaration of Sentiments

with nib of rib, the right to suffrage their daring

Called ugly then witch, pretty then weak

to be at once woman and voter, their daring

Hunger, headaches, heartaches, hatred, death

all this, and more, it cost them, their daring

As men are born, with God’s grace, so are women

they urged and argued with brains and daring

With firm convictions and hopes of fallen yokes

steadfast they marched nursing dreams of future daring

Sojourner, Dolores, their daughters left behind

now work against voter suppression with daring

There is more work on the horizon, more

yeast to knead into the bread of their daring

Persist Claudia! in mind and body be

not ugly, not pretty, but ablaze with daring.

Copyright © 2020 Claudia Castro Luna. This poem was co-commissioned by the Academy of American Poets and the New York Philharmonic as part of the Project 19 initiative, and appeared in the Spring-Summer 2020 issue of American Poets