A Plea for the Day
(From N. Y. Independent)
Oh, it’s good to be a-livin’
W’en Thanksgivin’s ’bout to come,
An’ ol’ mammy’s in de kitchen
Jes’ a-mekin’ dishes hum!
See dat tu’key in de cupboard,
An’ dem pies all in a row,
An’ dem cakes wid all deir icin’––
Why dey looks lak dey was snow!
Uncle Eph’s done wash’d de winders,
An’ li’ l’ Topsy’s scrubb’d de flo’;
Mammy’s sent me once fur cidah,
But she ’lowes she wants some mo’;
And she ’lows she wants a ’possum,
An’ she’ll have one––I’ll be boun,––
’Cause it won’t be no Thanksgivin’
Dout a ’possum’s somewhar roun’
You kin have yo’ merry Chris’mas,
An’ yo’ Fo’th Day uv July,
An’ dat sad, sad day what teks us
Whar de Union so’jers lie;
But I’s one dat hyeah to tell you:
Ef I had a right to speak,
We’d jes’ celerbrate Thanksgivin’
’Mos nigh evah othah week.
From Voice of the Negro 1 (1904). This poem is in the public domain.