Even this freckle testifies to the strength
of second thoughts. My family
is a poem, the clear expression of
mixed feelings, and your emergent
system at five years old fires
like the shoal of neon tetra kept
in the depths of a ten gallon
darkness. As for infinity, it’s there,
haggling with contradiction,
asking each question but one.
You will find for a while there
you held the exquisite to daylight
before setting it down on the baize,
Sometimes it will feel like
the entire body consists of flames;
and sometimes concrete;
sometimes collapsing like a waterfall
or steady as a lake of evening lapping,
the midges clouding the surface.
Sometimes it will feel like air
just before the air itself
turns to snow. The solution is
a solution, by which I mean
lots of things dissolving to one.
Copyright © 2019 by Nick Laird. Originally published in Poem-a-Day on April 30, 2019, by the Academy of American Poets.