The Elf-Man
One sunny Autumn day
When I went out to play,
An Elf-man in a tree
Dropped colored leaves on me.
From Black Opals 1, no. 2 (Christmas 1927). This poem is in the public domain.
God knew I’d struggled lone and long,
He heard me crying in the night;
He knew I was not strong
Enough to carry out the fight,
So he drew me from the noisy throng;
And breathed into my soul a song.
Yes, I believe in fairies.
I believe in brownies too.
Yes, I believe in fairies,
Because I know they’re true.
And if you’ll learn to love them,
They’ll come and play with you.
An endless stretch of blue
Flecked with wee silver lights,
A luminous, laughing ball
Brightening the inky nights.
Little brown babies tucked
Away in fleecy beds
While fleeting, fairy dreams
Dance through their drowsy heads.