Come out, come close.
translated from the Farsi by Haleh Liza Gafori
Come out, come close.
Why hide? Why deceive?
You are me and I am you.
Why get mired in me’s and you’s?
We are light upon light—
and the glass light passes through.
Why muddy ourselves with a grudge?
Together, we are whole and complete.
Why see through eyes that split one in two?
Why do the rich look down on the poor?
Why does the right hand scorn the left?
Both are from one body.
Why call one vile and one blessed?
One essence, one intelligence
thrust us into one curved cosmos.
Where the soul counts one,
the mind insists on two.
Five senses, six directions—drop the lot.
Leap forth. Let oneness
draw you closer, and draw you in.
There you are a gold mine,
not just a nugget of gold.
There’s one spirit in countless bodies,
one oil in countless almonds,
one meaning in countless words
uttered by countless tongues.
Shatter the jugs. The water is one.
Steeped in union, the heart remembers
a world beyond words.
Soul, send the news.
From Gold: Poems by Rumi (New York Review Books, 2022). Translated from the Persian by Haleh Liza Gafori. Copyright © 2022 by Haleh Liza Gafori. Used with the permission of the author.