Writing Workshop with Michael Torres: The Elegy in October

Join us on Saturday, October 31st, for a generative workshop with featured reader Michael Torres:

Autumn has always been a very reflective time for me, maybe especially because I’m a writer. Mostly it’s a time to think about endings, but I also save a lot of room for appreciation, honor and love. In this generative workshop, we’ll talk about the elegy as a form and a bit of its history. We’ll also go over a few of my favorite elegies before we jump into writing our own. Since I believe the elegy is quite a personal form, I’ll bring along many different writing prompts that will hopefully serve as inspiration.


Space is limited to 20 participants.

The workshop will take place virtually via Zoom with Otter Live Captions. An ASL interpreter will be present. Access copies of workshop materials will be made available via Google Docs.

Register for the virtual workshop by clicking on the "Registration" button on the Eventbrite page, donating any amount you can, and entering the required fields. You will receive an email with the Zoom information.

Suggested donation of $5.

NOTE: If you are unable to donate at this time, simply enter $1.00 as your donation amount (not zero) and click "check out," and then click "pay at the door" as your payment option. Once you have filled out all required fields, you will still be able to register, and you can keep your dollar.

Every donation to Open Mouth Reading Series supports our programming, ASL interpreters, and feature poets. Become a monthly patron on Patreon or make a one-time donation at on PayPal or to our GoFundMe campaign.

For more Poetry Festival events, visit the Events page on our website.


Michael Torres was born and brought up in Pomona, California where he spent his adolescence as a graffiti artist. His debut collection of poems, An Incomplete List of Names (Beacon Press 2020) was selected by Raquel Salas Rivera for the National Poetry Series. His honors include awards and support from the National Endowment for the Arts, the McKnight Foundation, the Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference, CantoMundo, VONA Voices, the Minnesota State Arts Board, the Jerome Foundation, the Camargo Foundation, and the Loft Literary Center. Currently he’s an Assistant Professor in the MFA program at Minnesota State University, Mankato, and a teaching artist with the Minnesota Prison Writing Workshop. Visit him at michaeltorreswriter.com