WRECKstasy Reading #3: featuring Brenda Coultas, Marcella Durand & Julie Ezelle Patton

Brenda Coultas is the author of four books of poetry, including The Tatters (Wesleyan University Press, 2014), and the online book The Journal of Places, published by metambesen.org. served as the featured blogger for Harriet.org, a publication of the Poetry Foundation, this past November.
Marcella Durand is the author most recently of Rays of the Shadow (Tent Editions, 2017) and Le Jardin de M. (The Garden of M.) (joca seria, 2016), with French translations by Olivier Brossard. The Prospect (Delete Press) and her translation of Michèle Métail's book-length poem, Earth's Horizons/Les Horizons du sol (Black Square Editions) are forthcoming in 2019.
Julie Ezelle Patton is a permaculturist, performer, artist, and author of five books of poetry, including Writing With Crooked Ink (Belladonna, 2015). Her book B is forthcoming from Tender Buttons. Patton is the founder of Cleveland’s Let It Bee Ark Hives eco-arts center. She will perform live via FaceTime from Cleveland.
In conjunction with the solo exhibition WRECKstasy by Eva Mantell
Wreckstasy: a look at the way the earth heals its deep wounds and begins again with more complexity, a model for describing the living nature of grief of all kinds.