When the Political Becomes Personal: A one day workshop for writers

Join us for a day of writing that responds to the tumultuous nature of our current social and political ecosystem. A selection of readings will offer examples of well-written personal essays. Peter’s writing prompts will inspire you to explore the different ways you can present your point of view.
In the afternoon, you can spend more time writing and revising or share one of your new drafts in a supportive feedback session. Peter will help you sharpen your focus and turn your opinion into a publishable piece that will evoke understanding and empathy within your readers. The day will end with suggestions on how and where to submit your essay.
More details:
  •  Bring a work in progress or start something brand new.
  •  Open to prose writers and poets, even if personal essay isn’t your usual genre.
  •  Participants will receive a selection of readings approximately one week prior to the program. You will get more out of the day if you read them before you arrive.
  •  Everyone will have time to "workshop" their piece!
Limited to just 12 participants. Register today so you’re not disappointed.