Stories of Illness and Healing

Join us on Zoom for an evening of transformative story sharing, hosted by students from the Harvard Medical School advanced elective, "Harnessing the Healing Power of Stories: Narrative Theory and Narrative Practice," taught by Annie Brewster and Jonathan Adler of Health Story Collaborative.

The format of the event follows HSC's Healing Stories Sessions model, founded on the empirically supported belief that crafting and sharing personal stories is healing for both storytellers and listeners. These live events work to privilege the voices of patients and their loved ones. Their stories transcend illness as a celebration of hope, human resiliency, and dignity.

As a supportive audience member, you will be a part of the healing process through the chance to hear the stories of these three patients. There will also be a live Q&A panel afterwards.

We look forward to seeing you!

*Health Story Collaborative is a 501c3 nonprofit fueled by the generosity of those who believe in the healing power of storytelling. Please consider making a donation to support future programming like this by clicking here.