Thom Donovan is the author of numerous books, including Withdrawn (Compline, 2017), The Hole (Displaced Press, 2012), and Withdrawn: a Discourse (Shifter, 2016). The first two volumes of his ante-memoir, Left Melancholy, are forthcoming from In-ter-sti-tial Press.
Katie Fowley is the author of the chapbook Dances & Parks (DIEZ Press). Her poems have appeared in Fence; No, Dear; The Atlas Review; 6×6; Cosmonauts Avenue; and elsewhere. She has been awarded residencies and fellowships at the Saltonstall Arts Colony in Ithaca, Summer Literary Seminars in Vilnius, and Mount Lebanon Residency in New Lebanon. Katie teaches English and poetry to high school students at The Hudson School. Her first full-length collection of poetry is The Supposed Huntsman (Ugly Duckling Presse, 2021).
This reading is presented as part of the Segue Reading Series.