Scissortail Creative Writing Festival: Day 2

Since 2005, East Central University in Ada, Oklahoma has hosted the Scissortail Creative Writing Festival on the first weekend in April.

The three-day festival typically hosts feature presentations from more than 50 regional, published and emerging authors.

Over the years, at least 12 state poet laureates, 3 national poet laureates, at least 10 National Book Award winners/runnersup from various organizations, at least 6 National Western Heritage Award winners, and at least two Pulitzer prize winners have presented at the Festival.

The Scissortail Creative Writing Festival also features Oklahoma’s most prestigious high school creative writing competition. The annual Darryl Fisher Creative Writing Contest, which began in 2004, is open to all state high school students submitting poetry or short works of fiction.

All sessions are free and open to the public.


19th AnnualScissortail Creative Writing Festival

April 4 - 6, 2024

East Central University

Ada, Oklahoma 

Friday, April 5 

X. 9:00 – 9:50 Estep Auditorium 

Ben Myers: Oklahoma Baptist University

Historical Markers

Rubeena Anjum: Dallas, Texas

Venoms and Antidotes 

XI. 9:00 - 9:50 Regents Room

Angela Hooper: Oklahoma City, OK

Where the Sky is a Wall

Nathan Brown: Wimberly, Texas

The Broken Summer: Birth of a Vagabond 

XII. 10:00 – 10:50 Estep Auditorium

Julie Chappell: Lake Keystone, Oklahoma

VulgatePsalm 39:3.5

Chase Dearinger: Pittsburg State University

This New Dark 

XIII. 10:00 – 10:50 Regents Room

Andrew Geyer: U. South Carolina - Aiken

The Rainbow is Salty and Smells of the Sea

Joey Brown: Missouri Southern State U.

The Inconveniences of Love 

XIV. 10:00 – 10:50 Boswell Chapel

Woodstok Farley: Tarleton State University

Falling Into My Nightmare

Audrey Kallenberger, Tulsa, Oklahoma

The Year of Our Lady of Surrender 

XV. 11:00 – 12:10 Estep Auditorium

John Morris: Cameron University

Bodies Littering the Floor & other poems

Jessica Huntley: Krebs, Oklahoma

Palms Out

Quinn Carver Johnson: Tulsa, Oklahoma

Before it Sets In, & other poems 

XVI. 11:00 – 12:10 Regents Room

Ron Wallace: Durant, Oklahoma

Life is a Disappearing Act

Yvonne Carpenter: Arapaho, Oklahoma

Bringing in the Sheaves

Stanton Yeakley: Tulsa, Oklahoma

Below the Bible Belt

XVII. 11:00 -12:10 Boswell Chapel

David Meischen: Albuquerque, New Mexico

What a Body can Bear: Nopalito, Texas Stories

Claire Collins: Tulsa, Oklahoma

What Freedom is This?

Jim Roberts: Paris, Texas

Of Fathers & Gods 

*** Lunch *** 

XVIII. 2:10 – 3:20 Estep Auditorium

David Bublitz: Cameron University

Combat Pay

Nell Johnson: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

What is Now Mine

Alan Gann: Dallas, Texas

I am not an Avocado 

XIX. 2:10 -3:20 Regents Room

Heather Levy: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

from Hurt for Me

Cody Baggerly: East Central University

Somewhere Between

Remi Recchia: Stillwater, Oklahoma


XX. 3:35 – 4:45 Estep Auditorium

Rob Roensch: Oklahoma City University

from In the Morning, the City is the Prairie

Cullen Whisenhunt: Eastern OK State College

Until Air Itself is Tinted

Rilla Askew: University of Oklahoma

They Tell it Wrong – poems 

XXI. 7:00 – 8:30 pm Estep Auditorium 

Featuring: Steve Yarbrough 

Recognition of Undergraduate Writers

(Reception for Authors & Guests at: Ross-Osborn Family Foundation Event Center)