Join us for our annual 100,000 Poets for Change event, a reading and workshop by poet HELEN RUGGIERI. This is the 16th reading of our 100th Anniversary Year Celebration.
The event will be held here, via Zoom.
To have your work considered for the workshop, send 2 poems no longer than 2 pages each to [email protected]. Please submit your work as attachments in doc/docx or RTF format, with "Ruggieri workshop" as the Subject of your email. Submit your work **no later than 11:59 pm, Thursday, September 17th.**
Helen Ruggieri earned an MFA in Poetry Writing and taught at the creative writing and literature at University of Pittsburgh, Bradford campus.
Helen been writing for nearly forty years, and her work has been published widely in magazines and anthologies in the US and abroad. She has several books and chapbooks, among them The Poetess (Allegany Mt. Press); Glimmer Girls (Mayapple Press); Concrete Madonna (S & S Press); and Rock City Hill Exercises (Allegany Mt. Press). Her book of short prose pieces in the Japanese haibun form is titled The Character for Woman (Foothills Publishing), and is about living in Japan.
Her most recent book of poem is Butterflies Under a Japanese Moon (Kitsune Books), a collection of haiku and traditional poems, was nominated for a Pulitzer Prize in Poetry in 2012.