James Benger is a father, husband and writer. His work has been featured in several publications including Coal City Review, Kansas City Voices, and Thorny Locust. He is the author of two poetry chapbooks, As I Watch You Fade (2016 EMP) and You’ve Heard It All Before (2017 GigaPoem), and two fiction ebooks, Flight 776 (2012) and Jack Of Diamonds (2013). He lives in Kansas City with his wife and son.
Silvia Kofler is a widely published poet, translator, educator, and occasional actor who likes to read her work and translations in many places. She has read at New York's Poet's House, the Sacramento Poetry Center, and at Schokoladen in Berlin, Germany. Some of her recent publications include poetry and translations published in The Colour of Saying, an anthology in celebration of Dylan Thomas by Cross- Cultural Communications, USA, and The Seventh Quarry Press, Wales. German translations of 10 Hafez ghazals in collaboration with Bill Wolak and Mahmood Karimi-Hakak appeared in THOSE WHO STOOD UP FOR TOLERANCE DIEJENIGEN DIE FÜR TOLERANZ STANDEN, published by The Feral Press, NY. She is the editor and publisher of Thorny Locust. Her newest book is Gambol the World: Eine Weltanschuung, by Spartan Press, Kansas City 2017.
This event features music by Linda Minson & Friends.