Carl Bettis is a web developer and writer in Kansas City, Missouri, where he lives with his wife, their daughter, and a variable number of pets who have an assortment of personality disorders. His works have appeared in such periodicals as Thorny Locust, Vine Leaves, Daily Science Fiction, Paper + Ink and I-70 Review, as well as the anthologies Chance of a Ghost, 365 Days and The Whirlybird Anthology of Kansas City Writers. He is an associate editor for The Same literary magazine and is a member of the Riverfront Readings Committee. You can find him online at
Pat Lawson's fiction has appeared in Pleiades, Rosebud, The Chariton Review, New Letters, I-70 Review, Thorny Locust, and elsewhere. She has also published non-fiction and poetry. A retired English instructor at KCKCC, she spends her time trying to write, gardening, grandmothering, and doing volunteer work, including being vice president of her neighborhood group and writing small grants for neighborhood projects.
This event features music by Joe Frogge, Randi and Paul Struxness, and Mike Kelly.