RHINO X Six Points Reading

Join the Poetry Center of Chicago as we celebrate RHINO's 40th Anniversary. 

We are pleased to welcome Vu Tran, Tara Stringfellow, and RJ Eldridge. Curated and hosted by Natasha Mijares.

VU TRAN first novel is "Dragonfish," a NY Times Notable Book of 2015 and a San Francisco Chronicle Best of 2015. He is the winner of a Whiting Award, and his short stories have appeared in publications like the O. Henry Prize Stories, the Best American Mystery Stories, and A Best of Fence. Born in Vietnam and raised in Oklahoma, Vu received his MFA from the Iowa Writers’ Workshop and his PhD from the Black Mountain Institute at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. He is currently an Assistant Professor of Practice in English and Creative Writing at the University of Chicago.

TARA STRINGFELLOW is a poet and an attorney living in Chicago, originally from both Memphis, Tennessee and Okinawa, Japan. Third World Press published her first collection of poetry entitled "More than Dancing" in 2008. Nominated for a Pushcart Prize in 2016, her poems have appeared, or are forthcoming, in Jet Fuel Review, Women's Arts Quarterly, Minerva Rising, Transitions Magazine, Apogee Journal, Linden Avenue Literary Journal, Chicago Magazine, decomp: a literary magazine, and Prompt. Currently, the author is an MFA Candidate for both poetry and prose at Northwestern University.

RJ ELDRIDGE is a writer, multidisciplinary artist and teacher. His writings have appeared in Vinyl, Obsidian, the Offing, Puerto Del Sol and others. He is a contributor to the forthcoming "Whiskey of our Discontent: Gwendolyn Brooks as Conscience and Change Agent"(2017 Haymarket Books) edited by Quraysh Ali Lansana and Georgia A. Popoff. His photography, visual and performance work has been exhibited at the Logan Center, Chicago Art Department, Hyde Park Arts Center, Arts Incubator, Galeria Bianconi and others. His current body of work in text and images concerns yearning and the black mind. 

RHINO books and merchandise will be available for sale following the reading.