Rodney Koeneke’s most recent book of poems, Body & Glass, was published by Wave Books in 2018. Other collections include Etruria (Wave Books, 2014), Musee Mechanique (BlazeVOX, 2006), and Rouge State (Pavement Saw Press, 2003). His work has appeared in the Brooklyn Rail, Fence, Granta, Harper’s, Harriet, Nation, Poetry, Zyzzyva, and elsewhere. An early member of the Flarf collective, he was active in the San Francisco Bay Area poetry scene until he moved in 2006 to Portland, Oregon, where he teaches in the history department at Portland State University.
Fred Moten teaches in the department of performance studies at New York University. His most recent work is the trilogy consent not to be a single being, which was published by Duke University Press in 2017–18. He and Stefano Harney are authors of All Incomplete, forthcoming next year from Minor Compositions/Autonomedia. In 2018 Moten received the Roy Lichtenstein Award from the Foundation for Contemporary Arts and was named a United States Artists Writing Fellow.