PSA Reading Series: Fred Moten & Deborah Paredez

Next Thursday, join us at the Poetry Society for the June installment of our PSA Reading Series, featuring Fred Moten and Deborah Paredez. Copies of Moten’s perennial fashion presence falling and Paredez’s Year of the Dog will be available for purchase and signing.

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Fred Moten works in the Departments of Performance Studies and Comparative Literature at New York University. He is concerned with social movement, aesthetic experiment, and black study and has written a number of books of poetry and criticism, the latest of which, written with Stefano Harney, is All Incomplete. In addition to his long-term collaboration with Harney, Moten is engaged in ongoing work with critic Laura Harris, artist Wu Tsang, and musicians Gerald Cleaver and Brandon López. Moten is a MacArthur Fellow, a Guggenheim Fellow, and a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. His book perennial fashion presence falling is forthcoming from Wave Books in 2023.

Deborah Paredez is a poet, scholar, and cultural critic. She is the author of the poetry collections, This Side of Skin and Year of the Dog, winner of the 2020 Writers’ League of Texas Poetry Book Award and a New York Times "New and Notable Poetry Book." She is a professor of Creative Writing and Ethnic Studies at Columbia University and the co-founder of CantoMundo, a national organization dedicated to Latinx poets and poetry. Her book of literary nonfiction, American Diva, is forthcoming from Norton.