Poets & Writers' Los Angeles Literary Roundtable Meeting with Luis J. Rodríguez

Please join us for the next Poets & Writers' Los Angeles Literary Roundtable Meeting hosted by Avenue 50 Studio:

Meet people, find out what's going on, share ideas, and learn about Poets & Writers' resources for writers, including mini-grants for readings and workshops.

Roundtable Meetings are open to anyone involved with or interested in the literary arts -- writers, presenters, presses, editors, librarians, and other arts and culture workers. The first half of the meeting will include an introduction to P&W resources, followed by special guest Luis J. Rodríguez (https://www.luisjrodriguez.com/), who will talk about his work in the literary community and answer questions from the group. The second half of the meeting is devoted to discussion and announcements.

There will be light refreshments and complimentary copies of Poets & Writers Magazine. Feel free to bring flyers and promotions to display on the community table.

Space may be limited, so please RSVP to [email protected] to reserve your seat, and feel free to share this event information with your networks.