Join Norma Cole and Forrest Gander as they discuss and read from the work of Raúl Zurita, one of Latin America's most celebrated poets, on Tuesday, January 15, 2019, 7 p.m., at City Lights Bookstore in San Francisco, California. This event will also celebrate the release of Zurita's newest collection, INRI (New York Review of Books, 2018), translated by William Rowe and with a forward by Norma Cole.
Norma Cole is a poet, translator, and visual artist. Her books of poetry include Actualities, Where Shadows Will, and Win These Poster and Other Unrelated Prizes Inside. To Be At Music: Essays & Talks appeared in 2010. Her visual work has been shown at 2nd floor projects in San Francisco and the Berkeley Art Museum. Born in Toronto, Canada, Cole lives in the sanctuary city of San Francisco.
Norma Cole is a poet, translator, and visual artist. Her books of poetry include Actualities, Where Shadows Will, and Win These Poster and Other Unrelated Prizes Inside. To Be At Music: Essays & Talks appeared in 2010. Her visual work has been shown at 2nd floor projects in San Francisco and the Berkeley Art Museum. Born in Toronto, Canada, Cole lives in the sanctuary city of San Francisco.
Forrest Gander was born in the Mojave Desert and grew up, for the most part, in Virginia. Trenchant periods of his life were spent in San Francisco, Dolores Hidalgo (Mexico), and Eureka Springs, Arkansas. With degrees in both geology and English literature, Gander is the author of numerous books of poetry, translation, fiction, and essays. He's the A.K. Seaver Professor of Literary Arts and Comparative Literature at Brown University. A U.S. Artists Rockefeller fellow, Gander has been recipient of grants from the NEA, the Guggenheim, Howard, Witter Bynner and Whiting foundations. His 2011 collection Core Samples from the World was an NBCC and Pulitzer Prize finalist for poetry.
After Augusto Pinochet's 1973 military coup, Raul Zurita's poetry sought to register the violence and atrocities committed against the Chilean people and the corruption of the Spanish language. During Pinochet's dictatorship, Zurita published a trilogy of books (Purgatory, Anteparadise, and The New Life), and helped to form the Colectivo de Accion de Art.
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After Augusto Pinochet's 1973 military coup, Raul Zurita's poetry sought to register the violence and atrocities committed against the Chilean people and the corruption of the Spanish language. During Pinochet's dictatorship, Zurita published a trilogy of books (Purgatory, Anteparadise, and The New Life), and helped to form the Colectivo de Accion de Art.
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