Poetry Parley with Marie Tozier

Poetry Parley is a free poetry event. Each month the Parley features a local poet who reads their own work. The local poet selects a “poet of influence,” whose work is celebrated through a shared reading.

FRINGE! is the “after party,” during which any listener may share their own work for 3 minutes each. This continues until everyone who wants to read has had their chance. Advance sign-ups encouraged.

If you would like to join us as a reader or as a featured poet, please let us know via email: [email protected].

HERE IS THE ZOOM LINK: https://bit.ly/CIRQUEpress

Marie Tozier is an Inupiaq poet from Nome, Alaska. Her book, Open the Dark, was published by the Boreal imprint of Red Hen Press in 2020. Tozier’s poetry has appeared in Yellow Medicine Review, Cirque, Alaska Quarterly Review and Catamaran Literary Reader. She is a graduate of the University of Alaska Anchorage MFA program.

Jane Hirshfield Award-winning poet, essayist, and translator Jane Hirshfield is the author of nine collections of poetry. Her work encompasses a large range of influences, drawing from the sciences as well as the world’s literary, intellectual, artistic, and spiritual traditions. Hirshfield has been a visiting Poet-in-Residence at multiple universities, including the University of Alaska. She served as a Chancellor of the Academy of American Poets from 2012 to 2017 and will be the guest editor for Poem-a-Day on Poets.org in April 2021 (National Poetry Month).

Poetry Parley Marie Tozier