Organized under the support of the PEN America Translation Committee, the Women in Translation Reading Series will bring together a total of 15 translators, joined by their authors, working in 12 languages from across the world, including Cameroon French, Canadian French, Chinese, Czech, German, Hebrew, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Swedish. The reading will be followed by a brief Q&A discussion, time-permitting. We hope you’ll join us for these one-of-a-kind bilingual readings!
The Women in Translation Reading Series will take place on Zoom on three consecutive Thursdays in August: August 12, August 19, and August 26 at 2pm ET. The conversations will be moderated by Piotr Florczyk, Jenna Tang, and Nancy Naomi Carlson.
Readers include Adriana X. Jacobs (translator) and Vaan Nguyen (Hebrew),
Arthur Reiji Morris (translator) and Li Kotomi (Japanese), Kelsi Vanada (translator) and Natalia Litvinova (Spanish), Kira Josefsson (translator) and Hanna Johansson (Swedish),
Julia Grawemeyer (translator) and Marie Christine Bernard (French). This conversation will be moderated by Piotr Florczyk.
Piotr Florczyk has published 10 volumes of Polish poetry translations, including Julian Kornhauser’s I’m Half of Your Heart: Selected Poems and Anna Świrszczyńska’s Building the Barricade, which won the 2017 Found in Translation Award and the 2017 Harold Morton Landon Translation Award.