Poets Mark Irwin and Elena Karina Byrne read in dialogue, addressing contemporary social issues and current trends in art.
Doors open at 7:30, readings begin at 8 pm.
Elena Karina Byrne is a freelance editor, lecturer, Programming Consultant & Poetry Stage Manager for The Los Angeles Times Festival of Books and Literary Programs Director for the Ruskin Art Club. Pushcart Prize & Best American Poetry recipient, Elena’s five collections include If This Makes You Nervous (Omnidawn, 2021), No Don’t (What Books Press, 2020), and Squander (Omnidawn, 2016), MASQUE (Tupelo Press, 2008), and The Flammable Bird (Zoo Press/Tupelo Press, 2002). Poems, reviews, and interviews can be found in Poem-a-Day, Plume, POETRY, The Paris Review, The Adroit Journal, Los Angeles Review of Books, Kenyon Review, BOMB, Verse Daily, Poetry Daily, Narrative, NPR's KNAU Poetry Snaps Morning Edition / All Things Considered, and elsewhere. Elena’s writing screenplays while completing her collection of hybrid essays entitled Voyeur Hour.
Mark Irwin is the author of eleven collections of poetry, including Joyful Orphan (2023), Shimmer (2020), A Passion According to Green (2017), American Urn: Selected Poems (1987-2014), and Bright Hunger (2004). Recognition for his work includes The Nation/Discovery Award, two Colorado Book Awards, four Pushcart Prizes, the James Wright Poetry Award, the Philip Levine Prize for Poetry, and fellowships from the Fulbright, Lilly, and NEA. He has also translated three volumes of poetry.
This event is Free & In-Person at Beyond Baroque. Masks are required while inside our center.
Event attendees are expected to behave in a respectful and considerate manner while in our space. Beyond Baroque reserves the right to remove individuals from our events, virtual or otherwise, if they are not respecting the space, fellow attendees, or performers.
If you can’t join us in-person the event will be livestreamed on Beyond Baroque’s YouTube channel at the scheduled time of the event.
Please RSVP if you are planning to attend this event. We accept walk-ins, but priority will be given to people that have registered. Limited seating is available; we recommend arriving early.