Readers include:
Gary Snyder is a poet, an environmental advocate and activist, and recipient of many literary prizes, including the Pulitzer (for Turtle Island) and the American Book Award (for Axe Handles).
Laurie Glover is the editor of Naming Mt. Thoreau and co-author of On the Road Histories: California. Her essays and poetry have appeared in journals such as ZYZZYVA and California Quarterly.
Armando Quintero, retired from the National Park Service, is currently the Executive Director of the Sierra Nevada Research Institute at UC Merced.
David Robertson is the author of several books on Yosemite and the West. He has held photography residencies at Joshua Tree and Yosemite National Parks in California and at Wendover, Nevada, and exhibited his photographs across both states.
Kim Stanley Robinson is a Hugo and Nebula Award winning science fiction writer and avid Sierra backpacker. His books include the acclaimed Mars trilogy and more recently, Aurora and New York 2140.
Carter Scholz is an astronomer, science fiction writer, and jazz pianist.
Please note: Contributors will autograph copies of the anthology bought at Moe's. No other titles will be available for signing.