The theme of the 2018 SJSU Legacy of Poetry Festival is the Poetry of Migration and Diaspora. The festival’s purpose is to promote poetry as a vital art form with a broad authorship. Our country is home to talented writers born outside the United States or who are the children or grandchildren of immigrant families. This diversity of poetry in the United States and in California facilitates cultural awareness, cross-cultural communication, and understanding.
April 2: Javier Zamora, reading and conversation with Alan Soldofsky (4 - 5:30 pm, MLK Library, Steinbeck Center). Free admission.
April 9: Juan Felipe Herrera, reading and in conversation with Alan Soldofsky (7:00 - 8:30 pm, MLK Library, rm. 225). Free admission.
April 12: Legacy of Poetry Day campus-community reading (including SJSU 5:00 - 6:30 pm, Hammer Theatre Center Plaza.) Free admission.
April 12: Peter Balakian, (7:00 - 9:00 pm, Hammer Theatre auditorium, tickets $20/$10 students).
April 19: Carmen Giménez Smith, reading and conversation with Alan Soldofsky (4:00 - 5:30 pm MLK Library Steinbeck Center). Free admission.
April 23: Dana Gioia, reading and conversation with Al Young, (4:00 - 5:00 pm, MLK Library rm. 225). Free admission.