June Charlottesville Reading Series: Karen Poppy & D. L. Williams

Join us for the June Charlottesville Reading Series event, featuring poet Karen Poppy and author D. L. Williams. This in-person event will be free and open to the public. We recommend arriving early for the best seating.

Karen Poppy (she/her; non-binary) has work published in numerous literary journals, magazines, and anthologies. Diving at the Lip of the Water is Karen Poppy’s first full-length poetry collection. Her chapbooks Crack Open / Emergency (2020) and Our Own Beautiful Brutality (2021) are published by Finishing Line Press. Her chapbook Every Possible Thing is published by Homestead Lighthouse Press (2020). An attorney licensed in California and Texas, Karen Poppy lives in the San Francisco Bay Area. Find more at karenpoppy.com.

D. L. Williams is the pen name of Diana L. Williams, author of Alora Factor: Invasion of the Realm Jumpers, book one in a five-part series. Alora Factor is all of the things Diana wishes she’d had as a child and all the things she wants to see when content creators promote diversity and inclusion, but don’t push for a Black female protagonist who is thick and athletic and is a bit of a nerd and has natural hair. As Toni Morrison said, “If there’s a book that you want to read, but it hasn’t been written yet, then you must write it.” Every book she writes will be inclusive, and she will continue to write the books that haven’t been written for as long as she possibly can. When Diana’s not writing, she can usually be found helping others tell their stories. Learn more about her and her books at dianalwilliams.com.