Jane Hirshfield’s poetry speaks to the central issues of human existence—desire and loss, impermanence and beauty, and the many dimensions of our connection with others. Jane Hirshfield has taught at UC Berkeley, Duke University, Bennington College, and elsewhere. Demonstrating with quiet authority what it means to awaken into the full capacities of attention, her work sets forth a hard-won affirmation of our human fate. She is the author of eight collections of poetry as well as two books of essays.
David Whetstone is one of the most active sitarists in the United States, and a disciple of the legendary Ustad Vilayat Khan. He has collaborated and toured extensively with poets Robert Bly and Coleman Barks since 1974. David lives in Minneapolis, and teaches at Carleton College.
This event will be held on Saturday, October 13 at 7:00pm at the First Parish in Lexington, 7 Harrington Road.
The cost of the event is $15.00. Pre-registration, using a VISA or MasterCard, is strongly recommended by contacting Lexington Community Education at 781 862 8043.