Distinguished Visiting Writers Series: Ilya Kaminsky (Academy Chancellor) and Katie Farris

ASU's Virginia C. Piper Center for Creative Writing brings authors Ilya Kaminsky and Kate Farris to Changing Hands Phoenix for a reading, conversation, and book signing. This event is free and open to the public.


Ilya Kaminsky is a poet, critic, translator and professor. He is best known for his poetry collections Dancing in Odesa and Deaf Republic, which have earned him several awards. In 2019, the BBC named Kaminsky among "12 Artists who changed the world".

Katie Farris is an American poet, fiction writer, translator, academic and editor. Her memoir in poems Standing in the Forest of Being Alive, was shortlisted for 2023 T.S. Eliot Prize. She is an associate professor of creative writing at Princeton University in New Jersey.

This event is at the Changing Hands Phoenix location at 300 West Camelback Road, steps from the uptown Light Rail stop and directly across from the Park and Ride at Third Ave and Camelback.