COUPLET Reading: Twelfth Anniversary Edition

Come celebrate '12' years of COUPLET at The Red Room in the East Village.

NOTE: this is an IN-PERSON event ONLY.

Michael Dumanis is the author of two books of poems, Creature (Four Way Books, 2023) and My Soviet Union (University of Massachusetts Press), winner of the Juniper Prize for Poetry; and the co-editor of the anthology Legitimate Dangers: American Poets of the New Century (Sarabande). Born in the former Soviet Union, he emigrated to the United States at the age of five. His recent work appears in American Poetry Review, The Believer, The Brooklyn Rail, Colorado Review, The Common, Iowa Review, Poetry, and Waxwing. He lives in North Bennington, Vermont, and teaches at Bennington College, where he also serves as editor of Bennington Review.

Wendy Jane Grossman is a writer and poet, who brings writing to the work she does in mental health. She is currently working on a social media cento project, and other poems. Her work has been published in The New York Times, Indolent Books online edition, and her debut poetry chapbook, dreamcycle: (my days and nights with john leguizamo) was recently published with Bottlecap Press. You can also find Wendy’s personal blog focusing on cross-racial connection through the lens of whiteness, at Wendy lives in Providence with her two daughters, and their cat, Belle.

JP Howard is a poet, educator, literary activist, curator, and community builder. JP was the Spring 2023 Brooklyn College Tow Mentor-in-Residence. Her debut poetry collection, SAY/MIRROR (The Operating System), was a Lambda Literary finalist. She is also the author of bury your love poems here (Belladonna*), Praise This Complicated Herstory: Legacy, Healing & Revolutionary Poems (Harlequin Creature) and co-editor of Sinister Wisdom Journal Black Lesbians--We Are the Revolution! JP has received fellowships and grants from Cave Canem, VONA, Lambda Literary Foundation, and Brooklyn Arts Council (BAC). She curates Women Writers in Bloom Poetry Salon and her poetry is widely anthologized. JP is a general Poetry Editor for Women's Studies Quarterly and Editor-At-Large of Mom Egg Review VOX online.

Elisa M. Gonzalez is a poet, essayist, and fiction writer. Her work appears in the New Yorker, New York Times Magazine, Paris Review and elsewhere. A graduate of Yale University and the New York University M.F.A. program, she has received fellowships from the Norman Mailer Center, Bread Loaf Writers' Conference, Rolex Foundation, and the U.S. Fulbright Program. She is the recipient of a 2020 Rona Jaffe Foundation Writer’s Award. Her debut poetry collection, Grand Tour (FSG), will be published on September 19, 2023.

KC Trommer is the author of We Call Them Beautiful (Diode Editions, 2019) and The Hasp Tongue (dgp, 2014) and is founder of the online audio project QUEENSBOUND. A Spanish-language translation of We Call Them Beautiful by the Chilean poet Elisa Montesinos is forthcoming from Cuarto Propio. Since 2018, KC has collaborated with the Grammy Award-winning composer Herschel Garfein on a song cycle based on poems from her first collection. From 2020 to 2023, she curated and ran the Red Door Series, a reading and meditation series at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church. She was poet in residence on Governors Island from 2021 to 2023, first through the Lower Manhattan Cultural Council’s COVID-19 Response Residency Program, then through Works on Water, and now through the NYU Gallatin WetLab. She lives in Jackson Heights with her son.