Červená Barva Press Poetry and Fiction Summit (Day 2)

This year, Cervená Barva Press celebrated eighteen years of publishing in April. Founded in 2005 by Gloria Mindock, editor and publisher, the press has continued to grow every year. The press has offered numerous events every year such as poetry and fiction readings, book launches, poetry roundtables, translation roundtables, Pastry with Poets, Portrait of an Artist, Cervená Barva Press Reads Around the World (a reading series with readers from different countries throughout the world), collaborations with the Interpoezia reading series in NYC, and a forthcoming collaboration with an arts organization in Turkey. This year, the press is offering an exciting new event!


Sunday, October 1, 2023

10:00AM: Haibun Hybrid Poetry/Prose by Anne Elezabeth Pluto
The haibun is the hybrid combination of two poems: a prose poem and haiku. The form was popularized by the 17th century Japanese poet Matsuo Basho. Both the prose poem and haiku typically communicate with each other, though poets/prose writers employ different strategies for this communication-some doing so subtly, while others are more direct. Called one of the most challenging and evocative poetic/prose forms, this hybrid haibun combines elements of travel writing, haiku, and poetic prose into a wholly unique artform.

11:00AM: Translingual Poetry and Translation of Poetry by Andrey Gritsman and Gloria Mindock
Poetry (feeling, image, sensibility) above language??
Poetry translatable??
Method of translation: direct, literal translation vs adapted translation.
Importance of knowledge of language idiom, historical and culture idiom.
Changing sensibility necessary for translation
Bilinguality and multilinguality in our era. More than half of the world population is at least bilingual.
USA - cradle of multilingual poetry.

1:00PM: Poetry and Epiphany by Daniel Tobin
In one of the 20th Century's most influential statements on the art of literary making, James Joyce describes epiphany as "a sudden spiritual manifestation, whether from some object, scene, event, or memorable phase of the mind - the manifestation being out of proportion to the significance or strictly logical relevance of whatever produces it." The word epiphany derives from the Indo-European root bha, "to shine, glitter," and the Greek epi, "among, upon, close." In this seminar, we'll look at poems that embrace, flirt with, or tactfully skirt, epiphanies. The poems we'll be looking at are John Murillo's "On Epiphany," Gertrude Schnackenberg's "Snow Melting," Seamus Heaney's "Postscript" and "In Time," and Elizabeth Bishop's "Santarem." We'll also consider the idea of epiphany in relief of poetic closure.

2:00PM: Research Workshop by Jen Knox and Ashley Holloway
Research helps writers connect with readers. It provides shape for a narrative in any genre, creates subtext, and refines storylines. Without firsthand knowledge of a subject matter, writers are limited in their ability to convey the complexity of a topic or story. But research in 2023 can be tricky. Join writers Jen Knox and Ashley Holloway for a fun and timely workshop in which we discuss the necessary skills and strategies to conduct research for writing and establish authorial credibility. This information can be used for writing a novel, working on creative non-fiction, crafting poetry, or voicing opinion pieces. In this hour-long recorded session, participants will explore how to create an effective system to organize and store research, helpful tips and strategies to find credible information, how to build credibility as a narrator, and how to incorporate these learnings into their writing.

After the Summit, the videos will be available to watch for 2 weeks if you miss any or want to rewatch.