Catharsis of Storytelling with Assètou Xango

In a society built on racism, telling our own stories is the most powerful, and sometimes, the only tool we have. It is cathartic, it is clearing, and it has been the quiet vehicle of progress since the beginning of our existence. Poetry, in its non-judgmental, expansive acceptance, is one of the most accessible avenues for story-telling. In this workshop, for the new or novice writer, you will dip your quill into this deep well of freedom. Presented by the Dairy Arts Center.

Assétou Xango (Ah-say-too SEAN-go), also known as the Dark Goddess Poet, uses Spoken Word to dismantle the harmful, colonial binaries that bind us. As a black, pansexual, polyamorous, genderqueer, womxn. They exist as the in-between, the darkness that serves as the mirror to our shadow selves. Xango’s other-world guides us to accept the parts of ourselves that have been deemed irredeemable.

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