Carly Dashiell & Andi Talarico

Carly Dashiell is a poet who lives in Brooklyn. Formerly the art book buyer at McNally Jackson Books, and now Managing Editor for Futurepoem, a non-profit publisher of experimental and hybrid-genre work. A short digital work, “5 4”, can be found on Gauss PDF. Other poems are forthcoming in the next issue of Prelude. Dashiell is an MFA candidate in Poetry at Brooklyn College.

Andi Talarico is a Brooklyn-based writer and reader. She’s the curator and host of At the Inkwell NYC, an international reading series whose New York branch meets at KGB Bar. She’s taught poetry in classrooms as a rostered artist, and acted as coach and judge for Poetry Out Loud. In 2003, Paperkite Press published her chapbook, Spinning with the Tornado, and Swandive Publishing included her in the 2014 anthology, Everyday Escape Poems. She also penned a literary arts column for Electric City magazine for several years. When she’s not working with stationery company Baron Fig, she can be found reading tarot cards, supporting independent bookstores, and searching for the best oyster Happy Hour in NYC.

General Admission: $8
Students/Seniors: $7
Members: $5 or free; no one turned away for inability to pay