Meet the writers and editors behind BLR’s Issue 43 on 'recovery', with brand-new fiction, nonfiction, and poetry works.
Featuring readings by Julia Mascioli, Ucheoma Onwutuebe, and Rochelle Robinson-Dukes
With interviews by BLR editors Suzanne McConnell, Omotara James, and Danielle Ofri
Plus additional poetry by Talia Bloch, Anthony Aguero, and Lolita Stewart-White
Wednesday, November 16th at 7 pm EST.
Free and open to the public. RSVP for link.
Visit the BLR website. You can get your copy of Issue 43--print or digital--from the BLR store.
Julia Mascioli’s fiction has been published in Witness and the Bellingham Review. She co-edited the anthologies When You Hear Me (You Hear Us): Voices on Youth Incarceration and The Untold Story of the Real Me: Young Voices from Prison. She has an MFA in Fiction from Emerson College.
Ucheoma Onwutuebe is a Nigerian writer. She is the recipient of the Waasnode Fiction Prize and has received residencies from Yaddo, Art Omi, and The Anderson Center. Her works have appeared in Prairie Schooner, Off Assignment, and Bakwa Magazine. She is currently an MFA student at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas.
Rochelle Robinson-Dukes is a Professor of English at the City Colleges of Chicago. She is the editor of Brownstone Barrio Bards, a journal of Chicago poets. She has been published in African-American Review, The Carolina Quarterly, Atlanta Review, Meridian, and Salamander.