Alexandra Mattraw with Tiff Dressen and Maw Shein Win

Alexandra Mattraw with Tiff Dressen and Maw Shein Win celebrating the release of Alexandra Mattraw's new poetry collection We fell into Weather published by Cultural Society.

Tiff Dressen lives in the Portola neighborhood of San Francisco. Songs from the Astral Bestiary, a (slender) full length collection of poetry emerged from lyric& Press in 2014. In 2019, they played the role of Earl of Kent in the Milkwood Theater's production of King Lear. In their spare time, they enjoy playing the role of urban flâneur as well as setting type and printing at the SF Center for the Book.

Alexandra Mattraw is a Berkeley poet and critic who has authored several books. small siren is available at Cultural Society (2018), and two of her chapbooks can be found at Dancing Girl Press (2013, 2017). Other poems and reviews have appeared in Denver Quarterly, Jacket2, Interim, VOLT, and elsewhere. A mother and ecofeminist, Alexandra curates an art-centric writing and performance series called Lone Glen, now in its ninth year. We fell into weather is her second full-length book of poems.

Maw Shein Win is a Burmese American poet and and educator who lives and teaches in the Bay Area. Her poetry chapbooks are Ruins of a glittering palace (SPA/Commonwealth Projects, 2013) and Score and Bone (Nomadic Press, 2016). A full-length collection Invisible Gifts: Poems was published by Manic D Press in 2018. Maw is the first poet laureate of El Cerrito (2016 - 2018), and her full-length book of poetry Storage Unit for the Spirit House will be published by Omnidawn in Fall 2020. Win often collaborates with visual artists, musicians, and other writers. She was a 2019 Visiting Scholar in the Department of English at UC Berkeley and is a member of The Writers Grotto.