Browse poetry lesson plans to incorporate into social studies, government, civics, and other classes. more materials for teachers
Teach This Poem: “Election Day, November, 1884” by Walt Whitman Teach This Poem: from “WHEREAS” by Layli Long Soldier Teach This Poem: “America” by Claude McKay Teach This Poem: “In This Place (An American Lyric)” by Amanda Gorman Teach This Poem: “Things We Carry on the Sea” by Wang Ping Teach This Poem: “Exquisite Candidate” by Denise Duhamel Teach This Poem: “Sherbet” by Cornelius Eady Teach This Poem: “A Small Needful Fact” by Ross Gay Teach This Poem: “Everyday We Get More Illegal” by Juan Felipe Herrera Teach This Poem: “Imagine” by Kamilah Aisha Moon Teach This Poem: “Before Your Arrival” by Ellen Hagan Teach This Poem: “The Buttonhook” by Mary Jo Salter Teach This Poem: “Amphibians” by Joseph O. Legaspi Teach This Poem: “Don’t Let Me Be Lonely” [Mahalia Jackson is a genius.] by Claudia Rankine Teach This Poem: "Maps" by Yesenia Montilla Teach This Poem: “The Tradition” by Jericho Brown Teach This Poem: “Business” by Naomi Shihab Nye Incredible Bridges: “Remember” by Joy Harjo Incredible Bridges: “Translation for Mamá” by Richard Blanco Teach This Poem: “A Small Needful Fact” by Ross Gay Incredible Bridges: “Peaches” by Adrienne Su Incredible Bridges: “Gate A-4” by Naomi Shihab Nye Teach This Poem: “Black Laws” by Roger Reeves