translated from the Japanese by William George Aston
The cry of the cicada
Gives us no sign
That presently it will die.
From A History of Japanese Literature (William Heinemann, 1899) by W. G. Aston. This poem is in the public domain.
translated from the Japanese by William George Aston
A cloud of flowers!
Is the bell Uyeno
Or Asakusa?
From A History of Japanese Literature (William Heinemann, 1899) by W. G. Aston. This poem is in the public domain.
translated from the Japanese by William George Aston
’Twas the new moon!
Since then I waited—
And lo! to-night!
[I have my reward!]
From A History of Japanese Literature (William Heinemann, 1899) by W. G. Aston. This poem is in the public domain.