We'll say unbelievable things 
to each other in the early morning— 
our blue coming up from our roots, 
our water rising in our extraordinary limbs. 
All night I dreamt of bonfires and burn piles 
and ghosts of men, and spirits 
behind those birds of flame. 
I cannot tell anymore when a door opens or closes, 
I can only hear the frame saying, Walk through. 
It is a short walkway— 
into another bedroom. 
Consider the handle. Consider the key. 
I say to a friend, how scared I am of sharks. 
How I thought I saw them in the creek 
across from my street. 
I once watched for them, holding a bundle 
of rattlesnake grass in my hand, 
shaking like a weak-leaf girl. 
She sends me an article from a recent National Geographic that says, 
Sharks bite fewer people each year than 
New Yorkers do, according to Health Department records. 
Then she sends me on my way. Into the City of Sharks. 
Through another doorway, I walk to the East River saying, 
Sharks are people too. 
Sharks are people too. 
Sharks are people too. 
I write all the things I need on the bottom 
of my tennis shoes. I say, Let's walk together. 
The sun behind me is like a fire. 
Tiny flames in the river's ripples. 
I say something to God, but he's not a living thing, 
so I say it to the river, I say, 
I want to walk through this doorway 
But without all those ghosts on the edge, 
I want them to stay here. 
I want them to go on without me. 
I want them to burn in the water.

From Sharks in the Rivers by Ada Limón. Copyright © 2010 by Ada Limón. Used by permission of Milkweed Editions. All rights reserved.

This world bruises us into retreat. 
A half-life crawling back to the womb, away 
From false starts and things we have been.  
But in the house of becoming there are no clocks—
No chimes marking transformation— 

Only the whisper of possibility. An expanse 
Vibrating in the palm of your hand. 
Choices shaped like rivers endlessly branching its waters. 
Begin in your life’s timid daybreak 

Or begin in the twilight of your years. 
Our lives are a gallery of unfinished portraits.  
Each stroke—a choice. Unrestrained, untamed 
By the leash of time, each breath, each moment, 
A fresh parchment. Write, rewrite, until the ink runs dry.
Let it startle you. Become a sunburst  

In a winter sky, laughter in a room of silent faces, 
Become raindrops tracing veins 

Of a leaf, or unexpected ballads in city noise.

From We Alive, Beloved by Frederick Joseph (Row House Publishing, 2024). Copyright © 2024 by Frederick Joseph. Reprinted with the permission of the poet.

I am taken with the hot animal
of my skin, grateful to swing my limbs

and have them move as I intend, though
my knee, though my shoulder, though something
is torn or tearing. Today, a dozen squid, dead

on the harbor beach: one mostly buried,
one with skin empty as a shell and hollow

feeling, and, though the tentacles look soft,
I do not touch them. I imagine they
were startled to find themselves in the sun.

I imagine the tide simply went out
without them. I imagine they cannot

feel the black flies charting the raised hills
of their eyes. I write my name in the sand:
Donika Kelly. I watch eighteen seagulls

skim the sandbar and lift low in the sky.
I pick up a pebble that looks like a green egg.

To the ditch lily I say I am in love.
To the Jeep parked haphazardly on the narrow
street I am in love. To the roses, white

petals rimmed brown, to the yellow lined
pavement, to the house trimmed in gold I am

in love. I shout with the rough calculus
of walking. Just let me find my way back,
let me move like a tide come in.

Copyright © 2017 by Donika Kelly. Originally published in Poem-a-Day on November 20, 2017, by the Academy of American Poets.

I would like to watch you sleeping,
which may not happen.
I would like to watch you,
sleeping. I would like to sleep
with you, to enter
your sleep as its smooth dark wave
slides over my head

and walk with you through that lucent
wavering forest of bluegreen leaves
with its watery sun & three moons
towards the cave where you must descend,
towards your worst fear

I would like to give you the silver
branch, the small white flower, the one
word that will protect you
from the grief at the center
of your dream, from the grief
at the center. I would like to follow
you up the long stairway
again & become
the boat that would row you back
carefully, a flame
in two cupped hands
to where your body lies
beside me, and you enter
it as easily as breathing in

I would like to be the air
that inhabits you for a moment
only. I would like to be that unnoticed
& that necessary.

From Selected Poems II: 1976-1986 by Margaret Atwood. Copyright © 1987 by Margaret Atwood. Reprinted by permission of Houghton Mifflin. All rights reserved.

My grandmother kisses
as if bombs are bursting in the backyard,
where mint and jasmine lace their perfumes
through the kitchen window,
as if somewhere, a body is falling apart
and flames are making their way back
through the intricacies of a young boy’s thigh,
as if to walk out the door, your torso
would dance from exit wounds.
When my grandmother kisses, there would be
no flashy smooching, no western music
of pursed lips, she kisses as if to breathe
you inside her, nose pressed to cheek
so that your scent is relearned
and your sweat pearls into drops of gold
inside her lungs, as if while she holds you
death also, is clutching your wrist.
My grandmother kisses as if history
never ended, as if somewhere
a body is still
falling apart.

Copyright © 2014 by Ocean Vuong. Reprinted from Split This Rock’s The Quarry: A Social Justice Poetry Database