Poetry & Grief

In 2023, the Poetry Coalition, an alliance of nearly thirty independent poetry organizations across the United States, explored the theme “and so much lost      you’d think / beauty had left a lesson: Poetry & Grief" in a series of virtual and in-person programs. 

The line “and so much lost      you’d think / beauty had left a lesson” is from Ed Roberson's poem "once the magnolia has blossomed.

Poetry Coalition members aimed to demonstrate how poetry can invite and inspire conversations in their communities about grief—an expansive and rich topic that has become imbued with deeper meaning over the last few years. All organizations and others interested were invited to create programs on this theme in 2023 and to share their efforts using the hashtags #PoetryAndGrief and #PoetryCoalition.

This is the seventh year Poetry Coalition members have come together to offer programming on a shared theme.