Regie Cabico

Regie Cabico’s work appears in more than thirty anthologies, including The Spoken Word Revolution (Sourcebooks, 2003); Chorus & The Outlaw Bible of American Poetry (Thunder’s Mouth Press, 1999); and Aloud: Voices from the Nuyorican Poets Café (Henry Holt and Company, 1994). He is the coeditor of Flicker & Spark: A Contemporary Anthology of Queer Poetry and Spoken Word (Lowbrow Press, 2013), which was nominated for a 2014 Lambda Literary Award.

Cabico is a winner of the Nuyorican Poets Cafe Grand Slam and later won top prizes in three National Poetry Slams. He has served as the youth program coordinator for the Split This Rock Poetry Festival. He has also been a teaching artist with Kennedy Center Arts Education, the Virginia Commission for the Arts, and the DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities.