Natalia Treviño

Born in Mexico, Natalia Treviño is the author of the chapbook VirginX (Finishing Line Press, 2018) and the poetry collection Lavando La Dirty Laundry (Mongrel Empire Press, 2014).

Treviño is the recipient of several awards, including the Alfredo Cisneros del Moral Award, the Wendy Barker Creative Writing Award, the Dorothy Sargent Rosenberg Poetry Prize, the Menada Literary Award from Macedonia, and the San Antonio Artist Foundation Literary Prize. She is also the winner, with Octavio Quintanilla, of the 2024 Ambroggio Prize for co-translating his book Las Horas Imposibles | The Impossible Hours (University of Arizona Press, 2025).

Treviño is a professor of English at Northwest Vista College in San Antonio, Texas.