Matthew Graham

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Poet Laureate of Indiana, 2020-2021

Matthew Graham received his MFA from the Iowa Writers’ Workshop.

Graham is the author of four poetry collections: The Geography of Home (Galileo Press, 2019); A World Without End (River City Publishing, 2006); 1946 (Galileo Press, 1991); and New World Architecture (Galileo Press, 1985).

Graham is the recipient of a Pushcart Prize, an Academy of American Poets Award, two grants from the Indiana Arts Commission, and the Artist of the Year Award from the Arts Council of Southwestern Indiana. 

Graham is a professor emeritus of English at the University of Southern Indiana, where he cofounded and co-directed (with Thomas Wilhelmus) the RopeWalk Writers Retreat and the RopeWalk Visiting Writers Series. He served as poet laureate of Indiana through 2021. Graham lives in Evansville, Indiana.