Ann Snodgrass

Ann Snodgrass has received awards for her work from the Fulbright Foundation, the PEN American Center, the Massachusetts Arts Lottery, the Utah Arts Council, the Chester H. Jones Foundation and San Francisco State University's Poetry Center and Poetry Archives. Her poems and translations have appeared in the New Republic, Paris Review, Partisan Review, Poetry, Grand Street, Harvard Review, and American Poetry Review, among other national magazines. A collection of her translations of the early poems of the Italian poet Luciano Erba, The Hippopotamus, was published by Guernica Press in 2003. Her own book of poems, Portal, was published in 2002, and her book of critical essays, Knowing Noise: The English Poems of Amelia Rosselli, appeared in Peter Lang's Italian Cultural Studies: Literature in History series. In 2004, Snodgrass was awarded the Raiziss/de Palchi fellowship for her translation of the selected poems of Vittorio Sereni. Currently, she teaches writing in the College of Arts and Sciences at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.