The West Country

Have you been in our wild west country? then

   You have often had to pass

Its cabins lying like birds’ nests in

   The wild green prairie grass.

Have you seen the women forget their wheels

   As they sat at the door to spin—

Have you seen the darning fall away

   From their fingers worn and thin,

As they asked you news of the villages

   Where they were used to be,

Gay girls at work in the factories

   With their lovers gone to sea!

Ah, have you thought of the bravery

   That no loud praise provokes—

Of the tragedies acted in the lives

   Of poor, hard-working folks!

Of the little more, and the little more

   Of hardship which they press

Upon their own tired hands to make

   The toil for the children less:

And not in vain; for many a lad

   Born to rough work and ways,

Strips off his ragged coat, and makes

   Men clothe him with their praise.

From The Last Poems of Alice and Phoebe Cary (Hurd and Houghton, 1876), edited by Mary Clemmer Ames. This poem is in the public domain.