
Hushed whispers in an undisclosed room

            Take it out of the girl

a child, boyish in nature             their smallness magnified.

Outcasted—the soft bodied animal you are

determined unruly animalia,

                                                   what survives inflation & inertia?

The body is a set of complex feedback systems

nothing is as it appears

                                                   the coexistence of a beard & breasts

                                                   evidence of the body’s willfully defiant nature

The body’s resilience amid the promise of perish:

                                              somehow the child survives their own hand

                                              the day’s weary edge inverted toward grace

A child, boyish in their nature           & barrel shaped

            survives sedimented against the residue

            of dunes, soil, leaf litter,       & the bodies of a lesser

What couldn’t be excised

            your boyish nature

            your untamed phylum,         your small heart pulsing loud

                                                        notes against the night.

Copyright © 2020 by Jari Bradley. Originally published in Poem-a-Day on January 8, 2020, by the Academy of American Poets.